Teaching positions: What you can expect from us
Competitive pay
Hourly wage is dependent on many factors including where and what you teach as well as experience and other factors.
Starting pay at Plymouth School of Music is $20.00/Hr
Incredible working conditions
A positive, relaxed, fun, creative, independent & professional atmosphere!
Schedule flexibility
You tell us when, where and how much you want to teach. We ask for a minimum of 10 students per week as your goal and that you are available a minimum of two days or evenings per week. A few of our teachers have 30 plus students per week. But remember, you decide how many students you can teach comfortably!
Respect and appreciation
Excellent teachers are rare and difficult to find. We truly value and respect each of our instructors. Feel free to ask for references from other current instructors. They love it here!
Email is the best way to reach us.
Thank You for your interest in teaching positions with our school. This page will give you an idea of our philosophy of teaching and our ideas on how our school can best meet the needs of our students and teachers.
If you are interested in applying for a teaching position after reading this, please fill out this application. If you have a resume &/or bio, feel free to send it to plymouthschoolofmusic@gmail.com but we need the application at the bottom of this page completed as well.